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Farmington, New Mexico
Affordable Interlock Devices and Convenient IID Installation Locations near Farmington, NM
LifeSafer has many convenient ignition interlock installation locations across New Mexico. Our IID specialists help drivers like you get back on the road quickly and safely. And, our interlock devices are discreet and easy to use, so you never have to worry.
When you choose a LifeSafer ignition interlock, you can be sure you are getting the highest quality car breathalyzer in New Mexico. We have over 30 years of proven and cost-effective experience in the interlock industry. Choose from our many convenient Farmington locations below for a Same-Day installation and get back on the road today!
LifeSafer Ignition Interlock
909 E Murray DriveFarmington, NM 87401
Today's Hours
- Tuesday: 7:00AM - 3:00PM
LifeSafer Ignition Interlock
1416 Schofield LaneFarmington, NM 87401
Today's Hours
- Tuesday: 8:00AM - 5:00PM