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Kingston, Massachusetts
Affordable Ignition Interlock Devices and Convenient Locations in Kingston, MA
LifeSafer provides the best and most affordable ignition interlock devices across the state of Massachusetts. We have convenient IID installation locations near Kingston—and our Same-Day installation means you can get back on the road quickly and easily.
Our car breathalyzers are the most discreet and easy-to-use IIDs available, so you can be sure you are getting the highest-quality interlock in Massachusetts. And, we have over 30 years of proven and cost-effective service with top-quality interlock experts. Check out our Kingston, MA locations below and give us a call today!
LifeSafer Ignition Interlock
29 Pottle StreetKingston, MA 02364
Today's Hours
- Monday: 10:00AM - 4:30PM