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Escondido, California
Ignition Interlock Installation Location Finder in Escondido, California
LifeSafer offers many convenient interlock installation and service centers in California. Our Certified ignition interlock device specialists can help you keep your driving privileges and get you back on the road quickly.
LifeSafer car breathalyzers are the most affordable and easiest-to-use IIDs on the market. Give us a call today and ask about Same-Day installation and money-saving discounts. LifeSafer is here to help you and make your interlock experience easy and stress-free. Use our convenient Escondido, CA locator below to find the service center nearest you.
LifeSafer Ignition Interlock
1800 E Valley Parkway, Suites AEscondido, CA 92027
Today's Hours
- Thursday: 9:30AM - 4:00PM
LifeSafer Ignition Interlock
738 W WashingtonEscondido, CA 92025
Today's Hours
- Thursday: 9:00AM - 4:00PM