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Shopping Guide — Ignition Interlock
Special Offers
You never planned on shopping for an interlock (more commonly called an in-car breathalyzer). It’s not on your list. We get that. Being arrested for DUI (DWI, OWI, what’s the difference?) is frightening and complex. At LifeSafer Ignition Interlock, we make license recovery as easy and stress-free as it can possibly be during this time.
What you need to know when shopping for an ignition interlock device:
Your monitoring authority will either give you a list of state-authorized ignition interlock (car breathalyzer) providers or you can find it on your state licensing website.

Here’s a checklist of things you should ask:
- What does it cost to install an interlock on my kind of car? This should be an easy question for your call center representative to answer. Your provider should be able to answer this question with only your driver’s license number, state of the offense, state where you’ll be getting service and a vehicle VIN number. Make sure you find out if there are additional charges for push-button starts or remote starts, or for a specific year’s vehicle.
- Ask for offers — AND the details. Some companies offer “free installation”. Make sure they explain the fine print. Ask how much you’ll be expected to pay when you go to your installation appointment. Ask if the “free” means they’ll give you a statement credit or require you jump through rebate hoops. We offer $0 LifeSafer installation fee in most states.
- Look on the website for a picture of the device. This process is difficult enough. You don’t need a big, bright, bulky device that everyone can immediately see in your car. LifeSafer offers small, discrete devices that are easy to use.
- Ask about locations near you. You will have to go for monitoring appointments, and some days you may be near your home but some days you’ll be closer to work. Make sure you are offered convenient locations. Location matters, as the cost of losing time from work and gas to get to the authorized service center, will add up over the time you are on your ignition interlock program. Even if the quoted monitoring costs are less expensive, it makes sense to include the price of your time when you are thinking about choosing a provider.
- Ask about state-required ignition interlock or reporting fees. Some states set their own fees for reviewing monitoring data or one-time fees.
- Keep track of the monitoring fees you are quoted. Some states regulate fees and some do not. The monthly fees usually include a lease fee for the device, a fee that is paid directly to the authorized service center for their time to calibrate and inspect the equipment and a fee for transmitting your report to the state monitoring authority. You will have to go for monitoring appointments on a schedule required by your state, usually every 60 or 90 days. Learn more about interlock costs.
- Insurance for the device. Most companies, including LifeSafer Ignition Interlock, offer insurance for the device in case it is damaged or stolen. Your car insurance company probably doesn’t cover the cost if you are involved in an accident because it is considered an after-market part. You will want to factor that into your total cost.
- Ask about convenience features. In states where it is allowed, LifeSafer offers a mail-in program that can reduce the number of times you have to travel to an authorized service provider. That is time and money saved!
- Check on referral programs LifeSafer offers a $20 statement credit for yourself and any person you refer to.
Having to install an interlock is embarrassing, time-consuming and can be costly. That’s why we are focused on honesty in pricing, making our devices small and easy to use, and keeping our authorized service provider network large enough to be convenient but small enough to ensure you get great customer service.
Our quality promise sums it up:
We will take ownership of the total customer experience, providing accurate, timely and reliable services enabling our customers to successfully complete their programs.
Installation is only step one, and while it’s a great start, we’re a company that stays with you.