Lifesafer Celebrates 20 Years Of Ignition Interlock Success

In 1991, Richard Freund formed and founded LifeSafer Interlock, Inc. after several years of hard work and perseverance pioneering the Ignition Interlock industry. This new company was founded to help keep the nation’s roads safer from Drunk Drivers by utilizing the LifeSafer Alcohol Monitoring Device known as the SC100 Ignition Interlock. An ignition interlock is a breath analyzer installed into a vehicle to prevent a person from starting the engine after consuming alcohol.

The SC100 was the first ignition interlock device to meet the technical requirements published by NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Association). The SC100 soon became the state of the art and most widely installed ignition interlock device in the United States used in the vehicles of Drunk Driving offenders, and LifeSafer became the market leader.

Over the past 20 years, LifeSafer has produced industry leading Interlocks and Home Alcohol Monitoring solutions using their proprietary fuel cell technology and patent-pending Positive ID tracking-tracking camera system. And now LifeSafer offers a wireless device with GPS capabilities, keeping them on the leading edge of a global industry.

LifeSafer 20 Year Milestones:

1991 – LifeSafer Interlock Inc. was founded by Richard Freund in Cincinnati, OH.

1992 – The SC100 was the first interlock device to meet National Highway Traffic Safety Association standards.

1994 – LifeSafer launches the first electronic information reporting system for ignition interlock programs.

1998 – The FC100 Interlock Device was launched using fuel cell technology and remains the most widely used ignition interlock in the U.S. today.

2005 – LifeSafer developed a patent-pending positive ID interlock device with a target-tracking camera.

2010 – A wireless camera unit with GPS technology and real-time reporting is introduced.

2011 – LifeSafer introduces the Portable and Home Alcohol Monitoring Unit (HMU) with Positive ID target tracking camera

2011 – LifeSafer merges with its two largest distributors, Affordable Ignition Interlock and National Interlock, and now boasts 700+ Service Provider locations having served over 600,000 drunk driving offenders and saving countless lives throughout the U.S.

LifeSafer strives to partner with jurisdictions to pass new and evolving Drunk Driving legislation to help protect the public. As Richard Freund states, “We make our living protecting public safety, saving lives, and rehabilitating some of our customers – getting them back on the right track.” Richard, together with Michael Balgord (National Interlock founder) and Jerry Stanton (Affordable Ignition Interlock founder), continue to lead LifeSafer as the company innovates new anti-DUI alcohol monitoring technology and remains a well-respected leader and player in the Ignition Interlock Industry.

Happy Anniversary, LifeSafer. And thank you for the service and dedication you’ve provided over the past 20 years helping keep our communities safer.

For more information please visit LifeSafer or call 800-634-3077.

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